KunstRAI Art Fair Amsterdam
April 2022: We are excited that our partner, SmithDavidson Gallery, will be presenting Ingo's pictures at the KunstRAI Art Fair in Amsterdam from April 13th to April 18th 2022. More information here.
New magazine publications
March 2022: The last few months we had lots of nice magazine publications in BBC Wildlife, Terre Sauvage, Zeit Wissen, Hoerzu, Swarovski Magazine and many more.
Next TerraX shoot
March 2022: We spend a second time on the Island of Sylt, shooting for the German television series TerraX. Unstable weather gave us atmospheric shots. More on that shortly ...
Madeira Archipelago
March 2022: We are back home from a few beautiful days shooting landscape and endemic bird species at Madeira Archipelago, located in the North Atlantic Ocean.
New book about butterflies
February 2022: Our new book about butterflies "ÜBERFLIEGER - die vier Leben der Schmetterlinge" is available now. It shows pictures that Ingo photographed on many trips around the world over the last twenty years. Silke created the wonderful design. Veronica Straass and Claus-Peter Lieckfeld wrote an exciting text. Order your copy (only available in German) here.
Back from Norway
February 2022: Ingo is back from a great trip to Norway, where he photographed muskoxen with his "Jaeger des Lichts" friends and colleagues Bernd Roemmelt and Markus Mauthe. The three had a lot of fun, made it through heavy snowstorms and were able to take very special pictures.
First shoot for a TerraX production
December 2021: We're back from the first shoot for a TerraX production (German television). Ingo is part of the film team. No worries, he won't switch to the film business ... We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2022!
Art Fairs in Amsterdam and Miami
November 2021: SmithDavidson Gallery presented our pictures very successfully at the PAN Amsterdam art fair. We are very exited to have more of our pictures on display at Art Miami from November 30th to December 5th.
Top News
New book coming soon
We are pleased to announce our new book about wood ants. The German edition will be available from March 2025. Ingo photographed this project over a period of two years. It contains pictures of behavior never documented before. The book was again beautifully designed by Silke Arndt. Pre-order your copy here.