
Ingo Arndt Exhibition

For many years now we have presented some of our main projects in the form of an exhibition. They are frequently displayed in museums and other appropriate places throughout Europe. We would be very pleased about your interest in these exhibitions. For further information and reservations please contact us by e-mail.

Waldameisen – Wood Ants

Ants are a model of evolutionary success. Hardly any other insect is so numerous and so widespread. They already existed at the time of the dinosaurs. Over millions of years, countless ant species have evolved, of which around 14,000 are described today. These include the red wood ants that are mound-building ants and live mainly in forests. A colony of red wood ants can consist of several million animals. Their complex, social way of life is typical of social insects. Scientists have been able to unravel many secrets of these ants, but not all behavioral patterns observed in red wood ant colonies are yet understood.

With his photographs, wildlife photographer Ingo Arndt shows for the first time an almost complete documentation of the life of the red wood ant. In unprecedented close-ups, he makes visible what is invisible to the naked human eye. Red wood ants play an indispensable role in the forest ecosystem. They help to preserve the habitat that is so important to us humans. More information here.

Honigbienen – Honey Bees

Largely unnoticed by us humans, they still exist: wild honey bees in our forests! The colonies of small forest insects live high above in abandoned tree cavities, defying the elements. Optimally adapted to their natural habitat, the bee colonies are more resilient than their domestic comrades. How do they live? What makes them so successful? Internationally acclaimed wildlife photographer Ingo Arndt provides answers to these questions in his new exhibition “Back to the Future – HONEY BEES IN THE FOREST,” documenting the hidden life of wild honey bees for the first time. Previously unseen images directly from a tree cavity inhabited by a honey bee colony show the perfectly coordinated life within the beehive down to the last detail: starting with the swarm moving in and constructing their combs to the development of the colony, the refined climate control in the nest, and the spectacular defense of the nest against invading hornets. Challenges associated with orientation and communication faced by the bee colony in the forest are discussed. Bee researcher Prof. Juergen Tautz describes the observations made by the photographer with his camera in easy-to-understand texts, while also encouraging readers to reconsider the type of beekeeping currently practiced by beekeepers. More information here.

GrasArt – Grassland

Grass is common to all climate zones and forms the basis of some of the most important habitats on our planet. Many millions of animals would not exist without grass. Few other habitats provide so much but have been so greatly underrated in the past than grasslands. Grass itself is hard to surpass in terms of beauty and diversity – a real masterpiece of nature. Over a period of two years, Ingo Arndt has taken photographs for this project. A tribute to the grasslands of our Earth and their inhabitants. More information here.

Schmetterlinge – Butterflies

With nearly 160,000 described species, butterflies represent the second largest order of insects, after beetles, and are among the most popular figures in the animal kingdom due to their fragile beauty. This is common knowledge. But hardly a soul is aware of the fact that these species include endurance athletes, drunkards, impostors, divers, and even “speaking” butterflies. And all of them fluttering around right on your doorstep! This exhibition sheds light on these mysteries and many other secrets from the world of butterflies. In addition to the astounding visual aesthetics and many fascinating texts by author Claus-Peter Lieckfeld, this exhibition taps into a world that will take your breath away.

Ingo Arndt Exhibition Architektier

ArchitekTier – Animal Architecture

We are all familiar with architecture designed by human beings. Yet architecture by animals for the most part goes unnoticed, although animals were building nests, dams and huts when we still dwelled in caves. From the tiny nest of a hummingbird to the largest structures created by animals, the coral reefs, there are impressive constructions, which continue to amaze us even today. More information here.

Ingo Arndt Exhibition Tierreich

Tierreich – Animal Masses

Why do animals collect in masses? This question is at the heart of our exhibition about ANIMAL MASSES. Every year, millions upon millions of animals gather together all over the world. They collect in order to spend the winter together, to mate, to migrate in a community or to occupy new habitats. Some animals can only exist in masses, in effect forming super-organisms. More information here.