About us
Ingo Arndt was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. From early childhood, he spent every single minute of his spare time outdoors in nature. Soon he realized that photography was a useful tool in environmental protection, so, after finishing school in 1992, Ingo plunged into the adventurous life of a professional photographer. Since then, he has travelled around the globe for extended periods as a freelance wildlife photographer, photographing reports in which he portrays animals and their habitats. In the past few years he has been mainly on assignment for GEO and National Geographic Magazine. With his images, Ingo wants to stimulate and increase the awareness of his viewing audience and show them the magnificence of nature.
Silke Arndt was born in Arnsberg, Germany. After her final degree in graphic design she worked some years as a freelance designer. Now she is managing the couple’s office near Frankfurt, from where they globally market Ingo‘s picture stories. She accompanies her husband on his field trips as often as possible and documents their experiences with her video camera. Silke designed most of Ingo’s recently published books.
Ingo’s photographs are mainly published in international magazines including National Geographic, GEO, Terra Mater and BBC Wildlife.
For his photography Ingo has received numerous awards. Several of his images were winners of the „Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition“ and the „GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year“. His picture stories „Animal Feet“ and “The Pumas of Patagonia” received an „World Press Photo Award“. In 2006 Ingo received the „German Award for Science Photography“. 2008 and 2012 he won the „GDT Fritz Poelking Award“. In 2014 Ingo received the Correll Book Award from the University of Main and in 2016 he was awarded the title “King of Photography” at the Power of the Image Exhibition in Datong, China.
Our main projects are frequently presented in the form of an exhibition in museums and other appropriate places.
After working mainly for the editorial market for 35 years, Ingo is now also producing exclusive photo series for the art market. Our gallery partner, SmithDavidson, markets Ingo’s pictures in galleries in Amsterdam, Miami and Mexico City, as well as at major art fairs such as “Art Miami”, “Photo London” or “KunstRai Amsterdam”.
So far Ingo has published 21 books. Some of them have been translated into many languages.
- Waldameisen – Superheldinnen auf sechs Beinen (2025)
- Überflieger – die vier Leben der Schmetterlinge (2022)
- Honigbienen – geheimnisvolle Waldbewohner (2020)
- El Puma (2019)
- PumaLand (2019)
- GrasArt (2016)
- Kuestenbaeren (2014)
- ArchitekTier (2013)
- Eisige Welten (2011)
- 1,2,3 – ganz viele! (2011)
- Tatort Natur (2011)
- Tierreich – Schwaerme Herden Kolonien (2010)
- Im Moos ist was los! (2009)
- Mein großes Buch der Affen (2009)
- Geheime Welt der Raupen (2008)
- Nomads of the Wind (2008)
- Monkeys and Apes – in the wild (2007)
- Zeigt her eure Fuesse! (2007)
- Logbuch Polarstern – Eine Expedition ins antarktische Packeis (2005)
- Tierreportagen aus aller Welt (2002)
- Marmots (1997)
GEO Magazine Stories
- Kolibris – Das schwere Los der Schwerelosen (February 2019)
- Schraege Typen (June 2018)
- GrasArt – Superhalme (December 2016)
- Bambus – Der Streber (September 2016)
- Landschnecken (October 2015)
- Kuestenbaeren (April 2015)
- Biber – Der gemuetliche Anarchist (October 2014)
- Heuschrecken – Luftangriff (May 2014)
- Tierarchitektur – Baumeister der Natur (September 2013)
- Winterschlaf – Wenn Tiere dann mal weg sind (January 2013)
- Suedgeorgien – Aktion Tod und Leben (August 2011)
- Tier-Reich – Massen, vorkommen! (April 2010)
- Tiergeburten – Vom Eintritt ins Leben (February 2010)
- Biodiversitaet – Vom Wert der Vielfalt (May 2008)
- Monarchfalter – Mit den Nomaden des Windes auf Reise (March 2008)
- Schmetterlinge – Die Rekord-Falter (December 2007)
- Uakaris – Das Raetsel der roten Glatzen (March 2007)
- Wanzen – Verkannte Schoenheiten (February 2007)
- Nordseetiere – Ein Meer voller Sensationen (September 2006)
- Waldboden – Der Zoo im Erdgeschoss (November 2005)
- Antarktis – Ankerplatz Eisscholle (September 2005)
- Spinnen – Raeuber mit Gefuehl (August 2005)
- Tierfuesse – So weit die Fuesse tragen (July 2004)
- Raupen – Die wehrhaften Schoenen (March 2003)
- Chamaeleons – In der Welt der kleinen Drachen (February 2002)
National Geographic Magazine Stories (international)
- Wood Ants – hidden keepers of the forest (February 2025)
- The Secrets of Bees (March 2020)
- Pumas of Patagonia (December 2018)
Awards (selection)
- 2024 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Invertebrates (Wood Ants), Winner
- 2024 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Wood Ants), 2nd prize
- 2022 Siena International Photo Awards, Animals in their environment (Puma), 2nd prize
- 2022 Siena International Photo Awards, Animals in their environment (Puma), Remarkable Artwork Award
- 2022 Siena International Photo Awards, Storyboard (Puma), Remarkable Artwork Award
- 2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Mammals (Puma), Joint Winner
- 2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Portraits (Puma), Highly Commended
- 2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, People’s Choice Award (Puma)
- 2019 World Press Photo Award, Nature Stories (Wild Pumas of Patagonia), 3rd Prize
- 2019 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Mammals (Puma), Winner
- 2019 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Mammals (Lake Baikal), Highly Commended
- 2019 Nature’s Best, Windland Smith Rice International Awards Competition (Puma), Highly Honored
- 2017 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Amphibians & Reptiles (Sea Turtle Arribada), Highly Commended
- 2017 Nature’s Best, Windland Smith Rice International Awards Competition (Brown Bears), Highly Honored
- 2017 Nature’s Best, Windland Smith Rice International Awards Competition (Svalbard Reindeer), Highly Honored
- 2017 Gregor Calendar Awards (Animal Masses), Award of Excellence
- 2017 Gregor Calendar Awards (Bewohner unserer Meere), Silver Medal
- 2017 Gregor Calendar Awards (Bewohner unserer Meere), Award of Excellence
- 2016 „Power of the Image/King of Photography“ China, International Photography Culture Exhibition
- 2015 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Birds (Cormorant), Highly Commended
- 2015 Gregor Calendar Awards (Animal Masses), Gold Medal
- 2015 Gregor Calendar Awards (Animal Masses), Best International Calendar
- 2015 Gregor Calendar Awards (Animal Masses), Audience Award
- 2015 Gregor Calendar Awards (Animal Architecture), Silver Medal
- 2014 The Correll Book Award for Excellence (Best Foot Forward), Winner
- 2014 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Man & Nature (Locust), Highly Commended
- 2014 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Ants), Highly Commended
- 2014 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Amphibians & Reptiles (Frog), Highly Commended
- 2012 Fritz Poelking Prize, GDT, (Monarch Butterfly Story), Winner
- 2012 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Snake birth), Highly Commended
- 2010 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Blue Crab), Highly Commended
- 2009 The German Children’s Literature Award (Caterpillar Book), Nominated
- 2008 Fritz Poelking Prize, GDT, (New Life Story), Winner
- 2008 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Red Crabs), Highly Commended
- 2008 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Monarch Butterflies), Winner
- 2008 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Mammals (Hyena), Highly Commended
- 2008 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Birds (Shorebirds), Highly Commended
- 2007 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Creative Visions (Monarch Butterflies), Highly Commended
- 2006 German Prize for Science Photography (Zooplankton), Winner
- 2006 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Plants (Rafflesia), Highly Commended
- 2006 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Plants (Crown shyness), Winner
- 2006 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Fishing Spider), Highly Commended
- 2006 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Orbweaver Spider), Highly Commended
- 2006 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (True Bug), Highly Commended
- 2006 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Mammals (Elephant-Seals), Highly Commended
- 2006 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Animal Portraits (Water Boatman), Highly Commended
- 2005 World Press Photo Award, Nature Stories (Animal Feet), 3rd Prize
- 2004 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Man & Nature (Chameleons), Highly Commended
- 2004 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Landscape (Sunset), Highly Commended
- 2004 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Underwater World (Fishing Spider), Highly Commended
- 2002 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Caiman), Highly Commended
- 2002 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Chameleon), Winner
- 2002 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Animal Portraits (Guanacos), Highly Commended
- 2001 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Other Animals (Iguana), Highly Commended
- 2001 European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Story (Glacier calving), Highly Commended
- 2000 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Animal Portraits (Hanuman Langurs), Winner